Introducing Myself

Photo: Matteo Fioretto
Entrepreneur, advisor and coach for sustainability, leadership and conflict transformation. 35+ years of international experience in these roles.
Founder and CEO of Exsulting, and creator of the Embedded Sustainability Index®. ESIndex® integrates sustainability into all business processes, helping companies to improve their performance.
Creator of the CASE® Method for leadership, transitions and conflict transformation. For teaching this in 2014 – 2015 I was one of only two Europeans selected by President Obama’s YALI programme to train a new leadership class for Africa.
I founded and chaired the Embedded Sustainability Working Group of AIAS, the largest Italian organisation of Environment and Safety professionals.
Member of the ERPB (Education & Research Practitioner Board) of VCare Academy, an international organisation for sustainability and excellence in Supply Chain Management.
European Partner of the Center for Corporate Performance and Sustainability in Boston. It is an academic centre offering training in integrated sustainability management for executives and managers.
Partner of the Smart Industry Forum in Copenhagen, an international hub for the development of new business models and leadership for Industry 4.0.
I am a Registered Provider for Leadership and Conflict Transformation at the European Parliament.
I have worked for a long time in the health sector where I was Advisor to the Chief Medical Officer of the Meyer Hospital in Florence for projects to humanise paediatric medicine, Lead Expert for FNOMCeO and the Ministry of Health for the creation of the first course and manual on communication in healthcare and I represented Italy for 4 years in the Steering Committee of the largest international scientific society for communication in medicine (EACH – International Association for Communication in Healthcare).
My professional passion is to inspire people and companies to develop bold and forward-looking visions, to dare to build a better life and society. I love helping people to live a quality life, developing thriving relationships in harmony with the ecosystem. Likewise, I love helping organisations to thrive by adopting Strategic Sustainability models and conflict transformation practices, thus unlocking their potential to be a positive force in society and the world. Translated with (free version)
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I have been member of some Scientific Societies, currently SEAL (Society for Evolutionary Analysis in Law) and EACH, (the International Association for Communication in Healthcare), the most important international Scientific Society in the field, where I represented my Country in the Steering Committee for 4 years.
I have been trained in the EFQM Performance Framework and to the Lean Six Sigma approach.
After a three year training I have acquired the EACH Certificate of “Deep Studies of Communication in Healthcare” as Trainer.

I have been a regular collaborator of specialised magazines, among which AIASMAG, WEMAG and Leadership & Management, with articles on Leadership, Sustainability and the Circular Economy. I am also Peer Reviewer for Elsevier Publishing Group.
I have published various essays and articles on peace studies and on Mahatma Gandhi, of whom I am a passionate scholar, receiving in 2007 the prestigious prize “Tiziano Terzani, Florence for the Cultures of Peace”.

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